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Gloria Steward Lycknell was one of our first clients of the 1990's. She went on to become our dearest friend and mentor.




Interior Designer Gets Decorated


Gloria was born to design. "I started decorating when I was seven years old," she recalls. "I'd come home from school and rearrange the living room!"
Art schooling throughout childhood, followed by her studies at the Art Institute of Chicago, prepared Lycknell well for the design business. Capitalizing on her art background, she built a successful business on a foundation of understanding and catering to consumers' desire for customized products that are both uniquely beautiful and highly functional. Early on, she realized she couldn't get what she really wanted in many product categories, and employed a cabinetmaker to do custom work. Soon, custom furniture became a central focus of her business. In addition, her individually-created “Tapestry Carpets” became known as "Artwork for the Floor".


Corporate identity and brand are valuable assets and essential tools for the interior designer. If properly designed, brand identity can induce strong affinity to the designer’s company and unique services. For Lycknell, she and her firm had already embodied all the positive, collective attributes with expectations in her flourishing business. She was ready to take the next step.



We commenced with her firm’s corporate nomenclature to logo design in order to have a consistent and unified memorable image for her brand. This was applied to letterhead, envelopes and business stationery along with a brochure that instantly conveyed the vision and power of her organization. Over the years, extensive public relations were conducted locally, regionally and nationally with much success and included a feature in Interior Design Magazine, among others. Ancillary branding extended to her successful launch of her Tapestry Carpets, also featured by the press, with one journal stating “Designer sweeps obstacles under the rug…”


New Radio Program Promises Home Delivery

Brainstorming is the key ingredient to client/agency success. And it was this very thing that took us, unexpectedly, out of the box of traditional business marketing thinking. An idea developed – why not create a lively, informational and conversational radio program where callers are invited to tap into Lycknell’s design expertise? The listener may ask questions such as, “how can I remove a water stain from my fine wood table…how can I best decorate my small living room with very limited space…?” What topic could be more broad-based, interesting and appealing, than conversations about the techniques of home or office design and improvements? The idea was to develop the creation of a pseudo program, so we put the concept on a CD, pitched it to a local radio station, and it was accepted!



The new weekly radio program, which we entitled, "House Calls", was a tremendous success and viewed as the hidden PR tool in our arsenal of marketing creativity, for, it paved the way for business recognition and elevated the already existing stature of the Lycknell name. The program indirectly acted as an unexpected client attraction. Our agency handled the guests as well as ad sponsor contracts, including corporate Home Depot®. The busy, popular program took on a life of its own and was then marketed as a separate brand. Lycknell was repeatedly featured by the press to various audiences.


"While our reputation has always been solid, your foresight has taken us to new heights. Your enormous enthusiasm combined with vision, perseverance and common sense has always translated to our accomplishing our objectives. I had to be shown, but now I know that your company's approach to marketing has improved our credibility as a leader in our profession. This exposure has sent the message out to make a connection with those looking for our services and is significantly increasing our client base."

- Gloria Steward Lycknell, Lycknell Interiors


Listen To Our "HouseCalls" Radio Program Samples

HouseCalls 1 - Gloria Lycknell
00:00 / 00:00
HouseCalls 2 - Gloria Lycknell
00:00 / 00:00
House Calls 3 - Gloria Lycknell
00:00 / 00:00

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