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"A Visionary..."
"Trish is a visionary, one who sees what is positive and possible, sets her sights high, then pursues her goals with laser focus. I'd describe her as a dynamo."
Martha Mertz, Founder ATHENA International

"Perfect Pitch..."
"When I chose Publicity Works for my logo and branding I knew how well the final result would turn out. Few firms fully understand the true value of blending PR with Marketing. As a result, the resonance of how well the PR and Marketing of my business combines with the branding, logo, and tagline, insures all are truly in "perfect pitch" to my prospective and returning clients."
Wayne Stephany, Principal, QCD Technology

"Dogged persistence...unfailing optimism..."
"Trish, thank you so much for creating this extraordinary opportunity for me with Joshua Bell! You are never one to shrink from the most ambitious projects and you achieve your goals with dogged persistence and unfailing optimism. BRAVO!"
Matthew Bengtson, Pianist

"Trish Doll sets the bar high..."
"I first became acquainted with Trish Doll through Chamber of Commerce activities. I was impressed by her professional demeanor and her success in her chosen field. On that basis alone she is a role model to young people as to what they can accomplish professionally. I have been fortunate to work with her on many occasions, and have become aware of more about her personal life as well. Her family, her community activities, her values, and, not least--her musical talent. Trish Doll certainly sets the bar high, and shows everyone by example what hard work, a sense of community, and good values can accomplish. If more people emulated Trish Doll, we would live in a much better world!"
Terry Scott Reed, Reporter, Writer, Photographer

"Above and beyond the minimal requirements..."
"On an individual note, I have worked with Ms. Doll for the past nine years during her volunteer involvement with several key Chamber committees. Her ability to exhibit an ongoing compassion, especially as a leadership role model for women in business, is tremendously inspiring. She is always the first to respond when a volunteer need arises and she goes above and beyond the minimal requirements."
Annie Neuin, Fmr. Assistant VP, Greater Reading Chamber of Commerce and Industry

"Zest and unbridled enthusiasm..."
"Anyone can do PR. After all, it's a common sense profession. The thing that makes a PR pro like Trish Doll special is an ability to combine detection for the extraordinary; often hidden at first, like gold ore inside the rock of ordinary events. With zest and unbridled enthusiasm, Ms. Doll brings the total package. By mastering the basics of public relations, she sees, from the public's vantage point, the interest and real worth in things that you and I would consider ordinary. I know: I've worked with her for 16 years. I've never seen a better PR pro, nor a person who exudes more energy and optimism. She overflows with both!"
Tim Erdman, Writers Block Inc.

"One who stands out with special clarity..."
"As an advertising/marketing writer since the 1950s and freelancing these services since 1988, I have worked with many talented and pleasant colleagues over the years. One who stands out with special clarity is Trish Doll, with whom I have worked since the early days of her agency, Publicity Works. She is unique in her ability to operate a business truly dedicated to her clients' well-being, yet she finds the time so essential for the a loving household and the raising of two wonderful children. Along with these attributes, Trish also plays the music she loves, and performs a variety of charitable endeavors — and to top it all, she is a warm, caring human being and a devoted friend."
Richard S. Lee, Owner, LeeWorks Writing Services

"The most dynamic person I had ever met... incomparable personality..."
"It was a referral that allowed me the opportunity to meet Trish Doll. In fact, our first encounter is still an active part of my memory. She was, without question, the most dynamic person I had ever met. What motivates her to excel? The answer is easy — an incomparable personality. It pushes her, drives her to be the best she can be. She will never settle for less. Although her work is demanding of her, she always takes the time to treat me with kindness and respect. Her enthusiasm for my work is never fleeting, her advice always timely and encouraging. As long as I live, Trish Doll will be the publicist who takes me by the hand and leads me on the path to success, and beyond."
Tom Kubizek, author (aka T.K. Marion)




"The highest quality standards..."
"I have known Trish for almost 15 years, working on various projects for a wide array of clients. In everything she does, Trish is a dedicated, hardworking, "get the job done" specialist, who still manages to have fun and make the process enjoyable for the client as well. The results are a steady stream of success stories for clients who return again and again for her many years of expertise. I highly recommend Trish as a person of dignity with the highest quality standards in her life and work."
Dave Loose President/Creative Director DLD Creative

"Role model...never gives up..."
"She is passionate about her family, her community and her clients ... managing somehow to balance them all with dignity, honesty, and a strong sense of humor. As a role model, her positive attitude and enthusiasm bring out the best in people. As a leader, she never tires, never complains and, equally important, never gives up. I've been proud to know Trish as both a colleague and friend these past twenty years."
Linda Anderson, Managing Partner, The Anderson Group

"I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your ability to identify our law firm's business culture...
over the past two years and leading the efforts in handling our public relations, establishing our new website, and creating our firm brochure. Your perseverance and patience in dealing with our law firm and our many strong opinions and egos was exemplary. The compliments that we have received about our brochure and our website from friends and clients speaks volumes to your ability to identify our law firm's business culture. My thanks to you and your organization for all your help."
Mervin A. Heller, JR. Managing Partner,

"A tenacious businesswoman..."
"Trish is truly a woman who has achieved it all. She's a tenacious businesswoman, a talented musician and a loving mother who approaches each aspect of her life with energy and enthusiasm."
Deb Soule, The Drawing Board

"Enthusiasm is contagious... excellence in her field"
"Trish Doll is an inspiration to not only women everywhere who dream of becoming all they can be, but to every business person that aspires to become the best in their profession. Trish's enthusiasm for life and her business is contagious and you can't help but to be a better person by having talked to her. Trish's excellence in her field has become noted with various awards, but more importantly by her acceptance of the leaders in the business community as the person to go to when you need the best in the PR field. I like to associate myself with the best, and that's why I feel privileged to associate myself with Trish Doll. "
Larry W. Miller, Jr., Esquire, Miller Law Group, PLLC

"The most talented public relations professional..."
"I have known Trish Doll for a number of years and have worked with her on both a professional, civic, and community service level. She is looked upon as one of the most talented public relations professionals in the state and region. She has a passion for helping organizations tell their stories, build goodwill, and foster strong bonds with the public and those who influence the public. That's what Trish Doll is all about."
Lisa A. Rozycki, Principal LR Marketing Group

"A hospice volunteer musician..."
"Trish Doll began her pursuit of hospice volunteering in 2003. Knowing music could be a tool for pain control, reminiscing and life review, Trish trained as a music companion. Bringing her musical talents to the hospice arena gave us the ability to offer this complimentary therapy to hospice and palliative clients. We look forward to endless hours of melodic comfort as Trish pursues this volunteer position."
Deborah Toole, Home Health Care Management

"A hard worker who loves people...eager to serve..."

"Trish Doll is a very enthusiastic and competent woman whose business, Publicity Works, continues to thrive. I first met Trish when I was the Director of the Jesuit Spiritual Center. She was a big help at that time in modernizing our publicity brochure. Trish has been helpful to many people and institutions. She is a hard worker who loves people and is always eager to serve others in their needs. This makes for good business, but it also makes for a very wonderful and likable person. Besides all her work, Trish is a very caring and responsible mother. She always has time for her family."
Fr. George Aschenbrenner, SJ Rector of the Jesuit Community

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