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"Most wonderful human being...tireless worker"
"I have known Trish Doll for several years and find her to be a most wonderful human being. She is a tireless worker, and shows her qualities in her work. I know her from music, and have seen her working in her business. She is truly an individual to whom any number of awards should be bestowed upon. I am fortunate, and lucky to know such an individual as Trish."
Geoffrey A. Gray Sr., Violinist

"Trish Doll brings marketing expertise
and an almost never-ending supply of sheer exuberance to any project she is involved with." There's fire in her eyes, a spark in her actions and wisdom in her meticulous plans!"
Dave Kline, GM, WEEU Radio GSM - READING EAGLE Internet Svces. SP - Mountain Laurel Productions Producer/Host - Syndicated Mountain Folk Radio Web/ Apple iTunes Podcast Show

"Enthusiasm and vitality to every project..."

"When you look in the dictionary under the word "energizer", it's probably not a bunny pictured there banging on a drum, but rather a picture of Trish Doll. She brings enthusiasm and vitality to every project, and a cheerful attitude, which adds a pleasantness to meetings. She is truly a unique person."
Mervin A. Heller, JR. Managing Partner,

"The success you've achieved is an inspiration."
"You're an outstanding example of the entrepreneurial spirit which has made our country the leading economic power in the world."
Michael A. O'Pake, State Senator, 11th District of Pennsylvania

"Publicity Works - it truly does"

"They've done a stellar job at proving the cost-effectiveness of PR. Thanks to them, ARROW has achieved outstanding recognition in the community, medical marketplace, television and the world!"
Rick Yanchuleff, Fmr. Marketing Director, ARROW International

"Publicity Works has generated a tremendous amount of "buzz" for our company. Their efforts have elevated our statue in the business community among our customers, vendors, employees and competitors much more than any marketing we've ever done. We've increased our budget by 60%! They've exceeded our expectations!"
Bob Egan, President, Egan Sign

"For someone who is as enthusiastic and energetic as a string of firecrackers, it seems appropriate that Doll's agency would take on a similiar flight!"
Small Business News/Philadelphia Small Business Admin.

"Doll is one of the most savvy PR and Marketing experts I've ever published. Publicity Works, works!"
Ron Elliott, Editor, National Trade Publishers

"Relentless pursuit to assist others..."
"Trish Doll is what I refer to as a "volunteer extraordinaire", one who gives of time, talent and passion! I've personally known Trish for ten years and in that time she has served on the Board of Directors of the Chamber, Past Chair of the Marketing Advisory Committee, volunteer of our membership drive earning "highest sales" designation, assisted in creating the Chamber's marketing plan, lead seminars and workshops, assisted other members with marketing assistance, just to mention a few of her roles. Trish was also an ATHENA recipient, an international award that the Chamber awards each year to an outstanding woman in the business community. The award is given for service, talent and dedication to the community that she influences. To say that Trish understands the concept of giving back is an understatement, it's her philosophy of life! My wish would be that others could see her relentless pursuit to assist others and follow her lead..."
Karen Marsdale, Senior Vice President
Greater Reading Chamber 

"Example of hard work..."

"Trish is an example of hard work, energy, enthusiasm, and accomplishments, all at the same time successfully balancing her commitment to family, work,
and community. She is an excellent role model for young women."
Michael J. Mizak, Jr., Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, READING EAGLE COMPANY

"Creative, energetic..."

" I've known Trish Doll for many years and have worked with her on several different community initiatives. She is creative, energetic and always willing to help get the job done."
Joni Naugle, Principal, FOCUSED, LLC

"Amazed at her marketing knowledge..."

"My husband Dave and I have had the pleasure of knowing Trish Doll for many years. In fact, if not for Trish, Dave and I would have never met. Back in the early 1990s my company utilized the services of Publicity Works and I was Trish's client liaison. I was amazed at her marketing knowledge, positive attitude and high-energy level. That relationship grew and we became good friends. On two years from the date Trish introduced us, Dave and I were married and we chose Trish as our Matron of Honor. In addition to being an incredible business person, Trish is an amazing parent. We can't say enough about Trish..."
Diane Galutia, Technical Writer, Sodexho




"Boundless energy..."

"Trish Doll has wonderful spirit and a true desire to help others which spills over in the work she does at Publicity Works. It is not just a source of income for her but an opportunity to mix her professional skills and her ability to help others attain their business goals. She approaches her work with boundless energy that makes all who know her envious. She is very loyal to her friends and clients as well. I am happy to count her as a friend."
Ramona Turpin, Community Relations Sovereign Bank

"Effervescent as a glass of champagne..."

"If Trish had a penny for every time someone compared her as effervescent as a glass of fizzy champagne her bank would have exploded long ago!" Trish and I first met in the mid 80's. She was with Rouse & Associates and I was with Blue Cross. We both got involved in, and worked together on, health-related projects in her company's area. I could not believe how connected she was with other companies, their missions and their people -- which is what PR is all about. She not only knew her stuff, but was right up front leading the charge at every turn. At all times, she was concerned about, and courteous to, everyone. She is a true professional."
Dick Mendenhall, Journalist/PR Professional

"As a TV reporter, I've worked with Publicity Works on many occasions. They're excellent - they have finesse with the press and know how to get the message out to the media!"
Jodi Radosh, PhD., Prof. of Journalism, Alvernia College,
News Reporter, WGAL-TV8

"While our reputation has always been solid, your foresight has taken us to new heights. Your enormous enthusiasm combined with vision, perseverance and common sense has always translated to our accomplishing our objectives. I had to be shown, but now I know that your company's approach to marketing has improved our credibility as a leader in our profession. This exposure has sent the message out to make a connection with those looking for our services thus significantly increasing our client base."
Gloria Lycknell, Owner, Lycknell Interiors

"I've known and worked with Trish and her firm for over 20 years. They're extremely bright, competent go-getters who achieve positive marketing results for their clients…They really should write a manual for others on how to achieve results…I personally think they walk on water…!
Dick Mendenhall, Journalist/PR Professional

"Since our creative marketing campaign began, we've received many positive responses and signed leases! Our occupancy level increased from 55% to 100%..."
John Newton, Fmr. Sales, High Associates

"Trish Doll and Publicity Works are a creative
and tenacious publicity firm."

"They know how to focus and get results - their efforts resulted in a number of positive news stories and speaking engagements."
COL. (Ret.) Len Marrella, PhD, President & Founder, Center for Leadership & Ethics. Author: In Search of Ethics, Conversations with Men and Women of Character

"...hard-working and enthusiastic...
Doll really is the essence of public relations!"
Wendy Komancheck, Journalist

"Made a difference."

"The best schools are always those schools where parents recognize the value of parent-teacher, or parent-school partnership. For children to develop into successful well rounded adults, who eventually contribute to their own community, requires supportive partnerships and modeling by some extraordinary parent volunteers. Ms. Doll has always been involved with her children's education and has sought ways to support teachers' efforts here at Brecknock Elementary School. She has volunteered to coordinate the process of publishing our school newsletter. She has done a masterful job. Her skills and knowledge in this area are outstanding! Ms. Doll is a very busy and successful business woman, and yet she somehow finds the time and energy to help our school in very meaningful ways. She has made a difference for the children, parents and staff at Brecknock Elementary School."
Jonathan Green, Principal, Brecknock Elementary School

"Culinary chef in the marketing kitchen..."
"Trish and her firm have the perfect recipe for success! She is quite charming, creative, talented and a culinary chef in the marketing kitchen! And she understands my accent to boot! Her enthusiasm is contagious. Thank you for creating a great cooking event celebration! Every detail was met. I felt more of an audience that day then with any of my TV shows! The PR alone was fabulous! I see you."
Chef Tell" Friedman Paul Erhardt

"Can take your organization to the next level..."
"Trish Doll and Publicity Works is a great public relations firm that can take your organization to the next level. Her professionalism and creative mind - exceptional."
Tim Stover, President, Felix Dam Preservation Association

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