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The Pennsylvania March


A March to an American First in Pennsylvania

We pitched senators to initiate the government process of accepting The Pennsylvania March, composed by my brother, Ron DeGrandis, to become the official State March of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This eventually led to the creation of State Bill 113.

“The idea for The Pennsylvania March came from a close friend who enjoyed my compositions,” Mr. DeGrandis said. “He discovered that no one has ever composed a ‘Pennsylvania March’! The Pennsylvania March is an American “first.” Although every state except New Jersey has a state song (Pennsylvania’s dates from 1990), few, if any, have a march in the grand tradition of America’s brass marching and circus bands! Our state only has the Pennsylvania Polka and the song, Pennsylvania 6-5000. So, I sketched out musical ideas on the piano over the last two years and developed the final composition. As you listen to the March, you’ll hear the rhythmic motif of the word Penn-syl-van-i-a throughout the composition. The March is dedicated to the memory of John Jankowich.”

Ron remarked that his music was inspired by this Commonwealth's diverse cities and landscapes. He described the March as "...a tribute to honor our glorious state. This march is in the style of John Philip Sousa. It is played by a band and is an instrumental piece of music."  Prior to his composition, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has never had a tune in the traditional American march genre.  

Ron is an avid composer and has previously created commemorative marches for the 250th Anniversary of Northampton County, the one hundredth anniversary of the Crayola Crayon Company, The Spirit of Youth March for the PMEA District 10 Elementary Band and Orchestra Festivals, and for the PMEA Intermediate Band and Orchestra Festivals. Since 2014, Ron has been commissioned to arrange pieces for the Allentown Symphony Young Musicians String Festival including Beethoven, Brahms, Elgar, Sibelius, and Tchaikovsky.  


As with other musicians, we worked to create a "first" in Pennsylvania. To accomplish this, we needed to maintain and actively promote a strong public relations program to ensure that the state government houses heard his music. We contacted all dignitaries, which included local senators, congressmen, and the Allentown Mayor. We promoted an exciting event to publicly present 'The Pennsylvania March' premiere, performed by the Marine Band of Allentown, on September 16, 2018, West Park, PA. To commemorate the historic day, we requested proclamations from Governor Wolf, Senator Pat Toomey, and Allentown Mayor Ray O'Connell, who also proclaimed the day as "Ron DeGrandis Day."  To continue Ron's exposure to the public, we generated various radio interviews and had the March played on air, which received radio and broad press coverage that extended as far as Hawaii. To further enhance Ron's presence, we quickly created a website to promote the Pennsylvania March and all of his other compositions, which may be viewed at


Currently, SB113 is in process to name the Pennsylvania March as the official march of Pennsylvania...together, we're creating a mark in Pennsylvania history!

Premiere Performance of
The Pennsylvania March
The Marine Band of Allentown 
September 16, 2018


Click the Pennsylvania Seal to buy the Pennsylvania March!

Allentown Mayor Ray O'Connell Proclamation
PA Governor Wolf Proclamation
PA Senator Pat Toomey Proclamation

Here’s talented composer Ron DeGrandis with his sister Trish Doll, the driving force behind initiating the development, solicitations, and promotional Marketing-PR efforts for the Pennsylvania March Bill on September 30, 2018.

Trish's extensive campaign included Radio and TV interviews, feature stories, and coordination of audience and dignitary attendance for the PA March's premiere by the Allentown Marine Band. Her program generated official Proclamations from various dignitaries – including the announcement of ‘Ron DeGrandis Day’ by the Allentown Mayor.

Dream to a reality -- After many years of unwavering commitment and tenacity, the Pennsylvania March gained its first consideration as Senate Bill 113 on Jan. 25, 2021. Following the closure of the 2021-2022 Senate Session, Trish's relentless efforts successfully secured several new sponsors in Congress, leading to the reinstatement of the PA March as House Bill 1923 on December 18, 2023.


Visit often to see the Bill's progress through the legislative process.

Ron DeGrandis - WSBA Radio Interview
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Ron DeGrandis - WDIY Radio Interview
00:00 / 00:00

PA Senate Bill 113

Inaugural Pennsylvania March Press Release


Marta Gabriel, Regional Manager Lehigh Valley, Office of U.S. Senator Pat Toomey, Ron DeGrandis, Allentown Mayor Ray O'Connell

The Pennsylvania March premiere performance audience in West Park

Ron DeGrandis Conducting

"I am thoroughly impressed with, and want to express much gratitude for Trish Doll’s Marketing-PR efforts! Her press release and work for my concert premier created tremendous interest in all media, including NPR Radio, TV/radio stations, social media, on-air interviews, and news articles, reaching even as far as Hawaii! Trish's work brought forth attendance by our US senator and Allentown mayor, as well as proclamations from the senator, mayor, and our governor for my composed “Pennsylvania March”. And all of this happened during the first 5 days of the press release! I have also received new work and website orders. It all was definitely much more than I ever expected. As her logo states, "Publicity Works!”

- Ron DeGrandis

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